Here, the best inspirational and beautiful short stories about life. These stories will uplift, inspire and help you to overcome depression, anxiety, loss, and failure. Read them to elevate your mindset and confidence! We've updated our list of short stories for 2020!

"The power of imagination makes us infinite."

Meaningless Goals

 Meaningless Goals

Meaningless Goal- Stories about life
Meaningless Goal
A farmer had a dog who used to wait by the roadside for vehicles to come. As soon as one came, he would run down the road, barking and trying to overtake the vehicle. One day the farmer’s neighbor asked the farmer “Do you think the dog is ever going to overtake those vehicles?” The farmer replied, “That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is what he would do if he ever caught one.”
Moral: Many people in life behave like that dog who is pursuing meaningless goals.

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