Perform These Yoga Asanas To Boost Immunity During COVID-19 Pandemic
Perform These Yoga Asanas To Boost Immunity During COVID-19 Pandemic
Yoga boosts overall health and helps in boosting immunity too. Here's a list of yoga poses that can enhance the functioning of the immune system.
Yoga poses to boost immunity
1. Shalabasana- Locust Pose
Formation of the posture
- Lie flat on your stomach
- Arms can be stretched out ahead
- Keep your knees straight and feet together
- Inhale and lift your legs and arms up together
- Lift your head up raising your chest off the floor as much as possible
- Hold the posture for 10 seconds
2. Anjaneyasana- Low lunge pose
Formation of the Posture
- Begin in Samasthithi
- Step back with your left leg back, drop your knee and extend your toes out
- Your legs must be wide enough to align your right knee with the right ankle
- Push your pelvis downward
- Raise your arms overhead
- Bend your upper body back and form an arch (which resembles half a moon)
3. Bakasana- Crow Pose
Formation of the posture
- Begin on all fours with your palms and knees on the ground
- Place your elbows down aligned shoulder distance and spread our your fingers
- Bring your knees to your triceps
- Lean forward shifting your body weight onto your triceps
- Slowly lift both your feet off the ground and balance
- Focus at a point and hold
4. Tadasana- Mountain Pose
Formation of the posture:
- Stand with your feet together
- Keep your back straight
- Bring your palms together and interlock them
- Inhale and lift your stretch your arms up, palms facing outward
- Look up and gently drop your head back on your shoulders
- Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 1-2 times
Formation of the posture
- Start on all fours, ensuring palms are under the shoulders and knees below hips
- Lift your knees off the ground and align your pelvis with your shoulders for Plank Pose
- Slowly drop your elbows on your mat one by one
- Align your elbows with your shoulders
- Engage your core