Perform These Yoga Asanas To Boost Immunity During COVID-19 Pandemic
Perform These Yoga Asanas To Boost Immunity During COVID-19 Pandemic
Yoga boosts overall health and helps in boosting immunity too. Here's a list of yoga poses that can enhance the functioning of the immune system.
Yoga poses to boost immunity
To counter Covid-19 Pandemic, it is necessary that you improve the functioning of your immune system. Many don't know that practicing yoga can help boost immunity. With yoga, there is no excuse of bad weather as it can be easily done at home. All you need to do is roll out your yoga mat and begin your practise of asanas, pranayama or meditation. Here are a few asanas that are designed to give you the added benefits of increased immunity. They can help in preventing weight gain, boost immunity and maintain fitness during the rainy season.
1. Shalabasana- Locust Pose
Formation of the posture
- Lie flat on your stomach
- Arms can be stretched out ahead
- Keep your knees straight and feet together
- Inhale and lift your legs and arms up together
- Lift your head up raising your chest off the floor as much as possible
- Hold the posture for 10 seconds
2. Anjaneyasana- Low lunge pose
Formation of the Posture
- Begin in Samasthithi
- Step back with your left leg back, drop your knee and extend your toes out
- Your legs must be wide enough to align your right knee with the right ankle
- Push your pelvis downward
- Raise your arms overhead
- Bend your upper body back and form an arch (which resembles half a moon)
3. Bakasana- Crow Pose
Formation of the posture
- Begin on all fours with your palms and knees on the ground
- Place your elbows down aligned shoulder distance and spread our your fingers
- Bring your knees to your triceps
- Lean forward shifting your body weight onto your triceps
- Slowly lift both your feet off the ground and balance
- Focus at a point and hold
4. Tadasana- Mountain Pose
Formation of the posture:
- Stand with your feet together
- Keep your back straight
- Bring your palms together and interlock them
- Inhale and lift your stretch your arms up, palms facing outward
- Look up and gently drop your head back on your shoulders
- Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 1-2 times
Formation of the posture
- Start on all fours, ensuring palms are under the shoulders and knees below hips
- Lift your knees off the ground and align your pelvis with your shoulders for Plank Pose
- Slowly drop your elbows on your mat one by one
- Align your elbows with your shoulders
- Engage your core